Introduction to Whistleblowing

RUBINETTERIE RITMONIO s.r.l. favors an open corporate culture, based on ethics, transparency and responsibility, and inspired by corporate values: for this reason Ritmonio asks the people who are part of it, such as administrators, managers, supervisory bodies, managers, employees and other collaborators, and all its partners, to operate in full compliance with the Laws and Regulations, Code of Ethics and Human Rights.

The Company strongly encourages its stakeholders to report (so-called whistleblowing) any incorrect, dishonest or illegal activity – potential, highly probable or already committed – as well as behavior that may cause damage or prejudice, including to the image, of RUBINETTERIE RITMONIO s.r.l.. to this end, the company has implemented specific rules and a management process in compliance with the “Whistleblowing” legislation Legislative Decree 24/2023 to provide potential whistleblowers with safe channels that guarantee the confidentiality of their identity and the information contained in the report and their protection from possible retaliation. Reports concerning the personal interests of the reporter, claims or grievances of a personal or commercial nature, claims or requests that fall within the discipline of the employment relationship are excluded from the scope of application of the legislation. In the event of unfounded reports, made in bad faith or with gross negligence, RUBINETTERIE RITMONIO s.r.l. reserves the right to act to defend its interests and protect injured parties.


Management of reports

RUBINETTERIE RITMONIO s.r.l. has appointed a Committee of external experts in whistleblowing legislation, EU law and industrial relations and labor law to manage whistleblowing reports, with characteristics of autonomy, impartiality and independence with respect to the processes that could be the subject of reports. The Company encourages whistleblowers to favor identified and non-anonymous reports, in order to streamline and make investigations more effective, although anonymous reports are also equally accepted, provided they are fully detailed.

In order to guarantee the effectiveness of the reporting process and provide broad and indiscriminate access to all those who want to make a report, it has made available various alternative communication channels, such as:

  • registered mail with return receipt to be addressed to: c.a. WHISTLEBLOWING COMMITTEE – STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL – at Confindustria Novara Vercelli Valsesia – Corso Cavallotti, 25 – 28100 – Novara ITALY; it is necessary for the report to be inserted in two closed envelopes: the first with the reporting person’s identification data; the second with the report, in order to separate the reporting person’s identification data from the report. Both must then be inserted into a third closed envelope which bears the recipient indicated above on the outside.
  • face-to-face meeting with the Committee by prior appointment which can be requested by the whistleblower via e-mail with confirmation of receipt to the dedicated address whistleblowing@cnvv.it – the whistleblower’s hearings in this case can also be held outside the company premises. It is possible to attach voice files to the dedicated e-mail address. Use the “Voice Recorder” feature available on every mobile device.

Monitoring the functionality of the aforementioned communication channels is guaranteed by the Whistleblowing Committee, which must be contacted in the event of any malfunctions.




Ritmonio’s Whistleblowing documentation is available at the following links:

Privacy information for the reporting party

Operating procedure