Architect: Andrea Benedetti
Typology: Residential

Located in the historic center of Pompiano (BS), the bakery Panificio Benedetti has remained active for more than 70 years, becoming a real institution of this place.
The Arch. Andrea Benedetti wanted to restore the building where his homonym grand father with his brothers set up their business. The building has recently changed its intended use, transforming itself into Panificio Coworking LAB, the private professional technical studio of Andrea Benedetti.

The restoration work on the building, part of a farm complex dating back to the 50s, wanted to maintain, conserve and enhance the original flavour of the place. For example, the brick oven from the 1950 was preserved, as well as the main external façade covered entirely with a design typical of the period.

- The bathroom: due to the uniqueness of the location, stylish products have been chosen. The wall mirror is combined with the Ritmonio taps. In particular, the Diametro 35 series in black finish has been selected, and it is certainly suitable for this context where tradition and modernity come together to enhance each other.
The main rooms are the following 3:
- The “sale room”, is where the bread was sold. The original counter remained, where customers will be welcomed.
- The “oven room”, as back then, it became a real operative hub of the Coworking LAB. Here you can find the work stations and a space communicating with the outside, suitable for hosting events and workshops.